
Brake Lever for BladeZ Ion 150 Electric Scooter
Aluminum brake lever for the BladeZ Ion 150 electric scooter. Item # LEV-32 |

Rear Brake Cable for BladeZ Ion 150 Electric Scooter
Rear brake cable for the BladeZ Ion 150 electric scooter. Item # CBL-101 |

Brake for BladeZ Ion 150 Electric Scooter
Complete rear band brake assembly for the BladeZ Ion 150 electric scooter.
Item # BRK-60B |

Band Brake Mounting Hardware for BladeZ Ion 150 Electric Scooter
Universal fit mounting hardware for BladeZ Ion 150 electric scooter band brakes.
Item # HDW-188 |

Safety Warning Bell With Compass for BladeZ Ion 150 Electric Scooter
Compass bell for the BladeZ Ion 150 electric scooter. Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing chime bell
sound. Easy to view real magnetic compass. Easy to install design. Item # BEL-360 |