BladeZ Parts > BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter Parts
BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter Parts

Battery Set for BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter
Set of two batteries for the BladeZ Powerboard 300 electric scooter. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.
Warranty Details
Item # BAT-12V8AX2 |

Battery Charger for BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter
Battery charger for the
electric scooter. Charger rating: 24 Volt, 1.6 Amp
Item # CHR-24V1.6AXLR |

Quick-Charge Battery Charger for BladeZ Powerboard 300
Electric Scooter
Quick-charge battery charger for the Powerboard
300 electric scooter. Charger rating: 24 Volt, 4 Amp.
This battery charger takes approximately half the
time that it takes the stock 1.5 Amp charger to
charge the battery pack.
Item # CHR-C24V4AXLR |

Chain for BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter
Chain with master link for the Powerboard 300 electric scooter.
Item # BLZ-CHAIN2 |

Brake Lever for BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter
Composite reinforced nylon brake lever for the BladeZ Powerboard 300 electric scooter. Item # LEV-30L |

Brake Lever for BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter
Aluminum brake lever for the BladeZ Powerboard 300 electric scooter.
Item # LEV-32 |

Rear Brake Cable for BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter
Rear brake cable for the BladeZ Powerboard 300 electric scooter. Item # CBL-101 |

Brake for BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter
Complete rear band brake assembly for the BladeZ Powerboard 300 electric scooter.
Item # BRK-60B |

Brake Mounting Hardware for BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter
Universal fit mounting hardware for BladeZ Powerboard 300 electric scooter band brakes.
Item # HDW-188 |

Safety Warning Bell With Compass for BladeZ Powerboard 300 Electric Scooter
Compass bell for the Powerboard 300 electric scooter. Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing chime bell
sound. Easy to view real magnetic compass. Easy to install design.
Item # BEL-360 |