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City Bug Electric Scooter Parts

City Bug® Helper Electric Scooter Parts

City Bug Helper Electric Scooter Owners Manual
City Bug Helper Battery Pack Wiring Directions

The City Bug Helper electric scooter was sold by The Sharper Image and EV Rider. |

Battery Set for
City Bug® Helper Electric Scooter
Set of two 12 Volt 12Ah batteries for the City Bug® Helper electric scooter. Includes 12 month
battery replacement warranty.
Warranty Details
Item # BAT-12V12AHX2 |
If the Original Battery Charger Adapter Shown Below Is Not Missing the Battery Chargers with C7 Plugs Sold Below Will Work with Your Scooter

Original Battery Charger Adapter

If the Original Battery Charger Adapter Shown Below Is Missing the XLR Battery Charger Adapter and Battery Chargers with XLR Plugs Sold Below Will Work with Your Scooter

Original Battery Charger Adapter

Quick-Charge Battery Charger for City Bug® Helper Electric Scooter (Quick Charge Rate)
Quick charge rate XLR plug conversion battery charger for the City Bug® Helper electric scooter. Charges the battery pack in around half the time that the standard charger takes.
Must be used in conjunction with the XLR Battery Charger Adapter item # CBG-ADAPTER sold above.
Item # CHR-36V3AXLR |

Controller Replacement Kit for City Bug® Helper Electric Scooter
Speed controller and throttle replacement kit for the City Bug® Helper electric
scooter. This kit replaces the speed controller, throttle, and key switch to
provide and easy to install kit with only two wires that need to be connected to
the battery pack and two wires that need to be connected to the motor.
Included wiring direction sheet. Installation requires wire splicing with the included
crimp connectors. Item # KIT-801
The City Bug Helper scooter's original speed controller has been discontinued so this kit is the only way to get the scooter running again if it needs a new speed controller.

Brake for City Bug® Helper Electric Scooter, 70mm
Complete rear band brake assembly with 70mm rotor for the City Bug® Helper electric scooter.
Item # BRK-70B
Some versions of the City Bug Helper electric scooter use a 70mm band brake and other versions use an 80mm band brake.

Brake for City Bug® Helper Electric Scooter, 80mm
Complete rear band brake assembly with 80mm rotor for the City Bug® Helper electric scooter.
Item # BRK-80B
Some versions of the City Bug Helper electric scooter use a 70mm band brake and other versions use an 80mm band brake.

Safety Warning Bell for City Bug® Helper Electric
Safety warning bell for the City Bug® Helper electric scooter.
This bells pleasant sounding and
attention grabbing chime bell sound lets others know that you are on the road
or trail in a friendly yet effective way.
Item # BEL-300 |

Safety Warning Bell With Compass for City
Bug® Helper Electric Scooter
Safety warning bell with compass for the City Bug® Helper electric scooter. Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing bell sound. Built-in real magnetic compass. Easy to install. Item # BEL-360 |