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Drivetrain Parts Selection Guide


First Step:
1: Enter the Rider and Cargo Weigh.
2: Enter the Vehicle Weight.
3: Enter the maximum Grade % that the vehicle will need to go up. If the vehicle will be used in deep sand or mud then add an additional 25 onto that.
4: Enter the maximum headwind MPH that the vehicle will encounter.
5: Select whether a Brushed or Brushless motor will be used.
6: Enter a Motor Power Watts number and experiment with that number number until the desired top speed is reached.
7: The Speed result will indicate the top speed that the vehicle should be geared for. Keep in mind that if a zero percent grade is entered and the vehicle is geared for the calculator's Speed result then the vehicle should only be used on flat ground.


Motor Power Calculator

* Enter Parameters Below

* Rider and Cargo Weight Pounds
* Vehicle Weight Pounds
* Grade %
* Headwind MPH
* Motor Efficiency %  
* Motor Power Watts

Motor Power Calculation Result



Second Step:
1: Select a motor that has equal or more Watts than determined in the calculator above and enter its shaft speed as the Motor Speed RPM parameter.
2: Check to see what size motor sprockets will fit on the motor and play with those sprocket sizes for the Motor Sprocket Teeth parameter.
3: Check to see what size sprockets will work on the axle or wheel and play with those sprocket sizes for the Wheel or Axle Sprocket Teeth parameter. Verify that the axle or wheel sprocket will have enough ground clearance using our Sprocket Diameter Calculator.
4: Enter the Tire Height (Diameter) parameter.
5: Play with these four parameters until the Top Speed result is equal to or lower than the Speed result of the Motor Power Calculator above. The lower that the Top Speed is the more torque the vehicle will have.
Top Speed and Gear Ratio Calculator

* Enter Parameters Below

* Motor Speed

RPM (example: 2500)

* Motor Sprocket

Teeth (example: 11)

* Wheel or Axle Sprocket

Teeth (example: 65)

* Tire Height (Diameter)

Inches (example: 12.5)

Speed and Gear Ratio Calculation Results
Top Speed MPH
Gear Ratio :1


75% Speed

Top Speed and Gear Ratio Calculator

* Enter Parameters Below

* Motor Speed

RPM (example: 2500)

* Motor Sprocket

Teeth (example: 11)
* Jackshaft Input Sprocket Teeth (example: 32)
* Jackshaft Output Sprocket Teeth (example: 12)

* Wheel or Axle Sprocket

Teeth (example: 65)

* Tire Height (Diameter)

Inches (example: 12.5)

Speed and Gear Ratio Calculation Results
Top Speed: MPH
Gear Ratio: :1


75% Speed

Gear Ratio Calculator for Vehicle Without Jackshaft

Gear Ratio Calculator for Vehicle With Jackshaft

You have now determined which size motor, motor sprocket, wheel or axle sprocket, and tire diameter to use for your project.

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This is our online drivetrain parts selection guide for electric scooter, bike, go-kart, beach cart and beach wagon. This guide will help you to determine which motor, sprockets, and wheel size to use for a particular application.


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If a zero percent grade is entered and the vehicle is geared for the calculator's Speed result then the vehicle should only be used on perfectly flat ground such as inside a building. All roads and parking lots are graded so water will run off of them so they are not perfectly flat. For roads and parking lots that appear to be perfectly flat we recommend using a 3% grade for the calcuation.