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E-Scooter Electric Scooter Parts

The E-Scooter Company is an electric scooter manufacturer in China who produces electric scooters under their own E-Scooter brand name and also for dozens of other companies including: Aim-Ex, Alpha, Bullet, Cobra, CF Toys, CT Scooters, Dolphin, Eagle, Ecruz, Electric Ride, E-Guruma, Esport, ESV 300, Firehawk, Fun-N-Go, Fun Scooter, Greenline, GS-Moon, Hitong, Hurricane Electric, Just Start, Impala II, Impala III, Jambuster, Leoch, Lightning, Master, Mitsuca, New Star, Premier Scooter, Rak-A-Tak, Raven, Red Dragon, Ricardo Sports, Scorpion, Spartan Sport, Speedway, Sunni, Speed  370E, Superride, TechNX, Tornado, Toyama Hurricane, Turbo 289WB, Viper, Whiz 500, Wolf Scooters, and Zina 200

To determine whether an E-Scooter electric scooter is a 24 Volt or 36 Volt model simply count the number of batteries in its battery pack. If it has 2 batteries then it is a 24 Volts model and if it has 3 batteries then it is 36 Volt model. The battery pack is accessible on most E-Scooters by removing the footplate which is attached to the scooter's frame with nuts and bolts. On the 24 and 36 Volt 250 Watt dolphin body E-Scooters the battery pack is accessible by removing the plastic battery cover located between the two footrests in the center of the scooter.

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