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Motor Sprockets for #35 Chain

Motor Sprockets
Metric Bore

Nut and Washer for 8mm Left Hand Thread Motor Shafts
Sprocket nut and washer for electric scooter, pocket bike, and go kart motors with 8mm left hand threaded
shaft ends. Fits MY1016, MY1020, and ZY1020 motors. Fits 6812, MY6812, and
MY6812B motors with 9 or more tooth sprockets. Item # SPR-NW8

Lock Nut and Washer for 8mm Left Hand Thread Motor Shafts
Sprocket lock nut and washer for motors with 8mm left hand threaded
shaft ends. Fits MY1016, MY1020, and ZY1020 motors. Fits 6812, MY6812, and
MY6812B motors with 9 or more tooth sprockets. Item # SPR-NW8-LK

10 Tooth 10mm Double D-Bore Sprocket for #35 Chain
1-3/8" OD, 8.5mm x 10mm ID. Fits 10mm OD dual-flatted motor shafts which
have a nut and washer on end to secure sprocket in place.
Made from hardened high-carbon steel with a black oxide finish.
Item # SPR-3510
Compatible with MY1020 motors.
Standard Bore