Gear Ratio Guide
This guide is for modifying, designing and building custom electric; scooters, bikes, go karts, ATVs, wagons and other similar light electric vehicles.
Motor Types
There are two types of electric motors; standard motors and gear motors. Standard motors have shafts directly attached to the motor windings with shaft output speeds
commonly between 1800-3000 RPM. Gear motors have gear reduction transmissions built into them with shaft output speeds
commonly between 400-550 RPM.
Standard Motors (Electric Scooter Motors)
Standard motors are
made for electric scooters, go karts, and other similar vehicles with 6"-12" wheels. Standard motors should not be used for electric bicycle projects unless a
gear reduction transmission such as a jack-shaft is used with them to
lower the gear ration so they can operate near their top RPM while the
vehicle is in motion, otherwise they will run at too low of an RPM which
will cause them to overheat and possibly burn out along with not
allowing them to produce the full amount of power that they have the potential to.
Gear Motors (Electric Bicycle Motors)
Gear motors are
made for electric bicycles with 16" through 26" wheels. Gear motors can also be used on vehicles with smaller wheels if a slow top speed and a high amount of torque for uphill climbing or driving through sand or mud is required.