Rad2Go Scooter Parts > Rad2Go Sunbird Bike Parts

Rad2Go® Sunbird Electric Moped/Bike Parts

Also called the Q-Electric Expresso

Battery Set for Rad2Go® Sunbird Electric Scooter/Moped/Bike
Set of three(3) 12 Volt 12Ah batteries for the Rad2Go® Sunbird electric bike. Includes 12 month
battery replacement warranty.
Warranty Details
Item # SUNBIRD-BATTERIES | $119.80

Battery Charger for Rad2Go® Sunbird Electric Scooter/Moped/Bike
Battery charger for the Rad2Go® Sunbird electric bike. Item # CHR-36V1.6AHS
Rad2Go® Sunbird electric bikes were made with two
different type of battery charger plugs depending upon
which year they were made. Before ordering a battery
charger you will need to look at
the old battery charger plug or at the battery charger
port on the scooter to see which type of plug it uses.
With 3-Port
House Plug