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Sporty 24 Electric Scooter Parts

Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Sporty 24 Electric Scooter Specifications: Two 12 Volt 12Ah battery, 24 Volt DC motor, 8"x2" tires and tubes, rear band brake, belt drive, battery status light

Belt for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter

Drive belt for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # BLT-575-5M-15


Battery Set for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Set of two 12 Volt 12Ah batteries for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.

Warranty Details
Item # BAT-12V12AHX2


Battery Set for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter (Extended Range)
Set of two 12 Volt 15Ah batteries for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. These 15Ah batteries provide 25% more mileage range than the 12Ah batteries sold above. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.
Warranty Details
Item # BAT-12V15AHX2


Battery Charger for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Battery charger for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # CHR-24V1.6ACX

2-Wire Throttle for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter

Replacement 2-wire twist throttle for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. Replaces the original pull throttle.


3-Wire Throttle for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter

Replacement 3-wire twist throttle for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # THR-35


3-Wire Throttle Female Connector Housing for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
For use with the 3-wire throttle item # THR-35 listed above.
Item # CNX-W2.8FH-3T

Speed Controller for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Replacement speed controller for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. The original speed controller is no longer available so we offer this one as a suitable replacement. Wire splicing is necessary for installation. View or print the wiring directions below before installing.
Item # SPD-24500B
Wiring Directions

Power Switch for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Power switch for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # SWT-105

Front Tire for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Tire for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. Heavy-duty sidewalls and heavy-duty tread area. 4-ply tire rating.
Item # TIR-8X2AT

Ribbed Street Tread Front Tire for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Tire for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. Low rolling resistance street tread electric scooter tire.
Item # TIR-8x2SR

Knobby Tread Front Tire for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Tire for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. Knobby/turf tread electric scooter tire.
Item # TIR-8x2K


Tube for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Inner tube for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # TUB-8X2

Premium Brake Lever for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Brake lever with alloy aluminum lever for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item #  LEV-41L

Brake Lever for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Brake lever for Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # LEV-30L

Brake Cable for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Brake cable for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # CBL-101

Brake for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Complete rear band brake for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. Chrome-plated finish.
Item # BRK-70C

Rear Brake for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Rear brake assembly for Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # BRK-80B

Band Brake Mounting Hardware for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Universal fit mounting hardware for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # HDW-188

Brake Cable Pinch Bolt for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Brake cable pinch bolt for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # BRK-226

Front Fork Bearing for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Front fork headset bearing set for the Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # BRG-134C

Wheel Bearing for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Wheel bearing for Sporty 24 electric scooter.
Item # BRG-6001Z

53 LED Headlight for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Bright 53 LED headlight for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. Top mounted push button switch activates three different power modes: low, medium and high. High power mode turns on all 53 LED's at once. This headlight lights up the road very well at night compared to most other LED headlights. Requires 3 AA cell batteries. (batteries not included)
Item # LIT-53LED

Front White Safety Reflector for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
White safety reflector for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. Easy to install design.
Item # REF-150

Safety Warning Bell With Compass for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Compass bell for the Sporty 24 electric scooter. Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing chime bell sound. Easy to view real magnetic compass. Easy to install design.
Item # BEL-360


2-1/2" Valve Stem Extender for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
2-1/2" long chrome-plated brass valve stem extender with cap. For filling hard to reach valve stems.
Item # VXT-160

7-1/4" Flexible Valve Stem Extender for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
7-1/4" long flexible valve stem extender with cap. For filling hard to reach valve stems. Reinforced rubber hose with solid brass hardware.
Item # VXT-714

Slime Inner Tube Sealant for Sporty 24 Electric Scooter
Instantly seals punctures in the tread area up to 1/8". Remains liquid, evenly coating the inside of the tube. Non-flammable, non-toxic, water soluble, easy to use. For the Sporty 24 electric scooter use half a bottle of sealant per tire. 8 fluid ounce / 237mL bottle.
Item # TIR-SL8

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