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Throttles > Single Speed Throttles

Single Speed Throttles

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Single speed throttles are used on electric scooters and bicycles which do not have variable speed control. They have a simple momentary on/off switch inside of them. The switch contacts are open when the throttle is released and closed when the throttle is engaged. These type of throttles are used on the Razor E100 and E125 electric scooter, ePunk electric mini-bike, E-Scream Machine, plus the original 131E and 132E Razor electric scooters, Zappy (Zap) scooters and bicycles, Bladez XTR 250 scooters, Sunpex Tracker, Tomb Raider, and Eboarder electric scooters, plus many other similar electric scooter and bicycle models.

2 Wire Single Speed Twist Throttle with Matching Grips
Single speed on/off two wire twist throttle for electric scooters and bikes. Replaces and upgrades all 2-wire finger throttles, thumb throttles, and twist throttles. Normally open single pole single throw (SPST) switch. 45" long wire cable.
Item # THR-E20

2 Wire Single Speed Thumb Throttle
Single speed on/off 2 wire thumb throttle. Fits Avigo® Extreme, Pulse® RK9 and GRT-11, and Satellite® RK9 electric scooters. Normally open single pole single throw (SPST) switch. 55" long wire cable.

2 Wire Single Speed Throttle for Pulse® Charger Electric Scooter
Single speed on/off 2 wire twist throttle. Fits the Pulse® Bolt, Charger, GRT-11, Lightning, Lightwave, Reverb, and RK9 electric scooters. Normally open single pole single throw (SPST) switch. 55" long wire cable.
If purchasing for a Pulse® scooter verify that the connector on existing throttle matches the connector on this throttle before purchasing.

2 Wire Single Speed Twist Throttle for the Pulse® Lightning Electric Scooter
Single speed on/off 2 wire twist throttle. Fits the Pulse® Bolt, Charger, GRT-11, Lightning, Lightwave, Reverb, and RK9 electric scooters. Normally open single pole single throw (SPST) switch. 55" long wire cable.
If purchasing for a Pulse® scooter verify that the connector on existing throttle matches the connector on this throttle before purchasing.

2 Wire Single Speed Throttle for Pulse® Lightwave Electric Scooter
Half-twist Throttle with left and right hand grips for the Pulse® Lightwave electric scooter. Replaces the original full-twist throttle and is less prone to breaking if the scooter falls. Two wire throttle with black connector.
If purchasing for a Pulse® scooter verify that the connector on existing throttle matches the connector on this throttle before purchasing.

2 Wire Single Speed Throttle for Pulse RK9 and GRT-11, Satellite RK9, and Avigo Extreme Electric Scooters
Half length twist throttle with left and right hand grips for some Pulse, Satellite, and Avigo electric scooter models.
If purchasing for a Pulse® scooter verify that the connector on existing throttle matches the connector on this throttle before purchasing.

2 Wire Single Speed Throttle for Pulse® Lightwave Electric Scooter
Half-twist Throttle with left and right hand grips for the Pulse® Lightwave electric scooter. Replaces the original full-twist throttle and is less prone to breaking if the scooter falls. Two wire throttle with white connector.
If purchasing for a Pulse® scooter verify that the connector on existing throttle matches the connector on this throttle before purchasing.

4 Wire Single Speed Twist Throttle
Single speed on/off 4 wire twist throttle. Fits eZip® EZ2 Nano and EZ3 Nano Carver electric scooters. Normally open double pole single throw (DPST) switch. 45" long wire cable.
Item # THR-82

2 Wire Single Speed Twist Throttle
Single speed on/off 2 wire twist throttle. Fits Currie® single speed electric scooter makes such as Schwinn, eZip, IZIP, GT and Mongoose electric scooters. To determine the correct throttle for your Currie® electric scooter or bike select your model. Normally open single pole single throw (SPST) switch. 45" long wire cable.
Item # THR-92

4 Wire Single Speed Twist Throttle for Razor® Electric Scooters
E100 & E125 Version 5-7

Single Speed twist throttle with four wires and two connector for Razor® electric scooters. To determine the correct throttle for your Razor® select your model.
Item # THR-60

Razor PR200 Pocket Bike Throttle

4 Wire Single Speed Twist Throttle for Razor® Electric Scooters
E100 & E125 Version 10+
E150 Version 1+
E200 Version 24+
E300 Version 20+
Pocket Mod Version 13+

Single Speed twist throttle with four wires and one connector for Razor® electric scooters. To determine the correct throttle for your Razor® select your model.
Item # THR-53

6 Wire Single Speed Throttle for Razor® Dirt Rocket Electric Dirt Bikes
MX500 Version 21+
MX650 Version 14+
and Eco Smart Electric Scooters

Twist throttle for MX500 version 21+ and MX650 version 14+ Razor® Dirt Rocket electric dirt bikes and all versions of the the Razor® Eco Smart electric scooter. To determine the correct throttle for your Razor® select your model.
Item # THR-61

Handlebar Grips for Half Length Twist Throttles
Set of two handlebar grips for use with the half length twist throttles sold above. The long grip is 4-1/4" and the short grip is 2-1/2".
Item # GRP-54

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