X-Treme Parts > X-Treme X-010 Electric Scooter

X-Treme® X-010 Electric Scooter Parts

X-Treme X-010 Owners Manual

X-Treme® X-010 12V 5Ah Battery Set Set of two 12 Volt 5 Ah batteries for the
X-Treme® X-010 electric scooter. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.
Warranty Details
Item # BAT-12V5AX2
The X-Treme X-010 scooter uses either two 12V 5Ah batteries or a single 24V 3.5Ah battery. Please check the original battery to see which one is required before ordering.

X-Treme® X-010 24V 3.5Ah Battery Single 24 Volt 3.5 Ah batteries for the
X-Treme® X-010 electric scooter. Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.
Warranty Details
Item # BAT-24V3.5A
The X-Treme X-010 scooter uses either two 12V 5Ah batteries or a single 24V 3.5Ah battery. Please check the original battery to see which one is required before ordering.

Safety Warning Bell With Compass for X-Treme® X-010 Electric Scooter
Compass bell for the X-Treme® X-010 electric scooter. Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing chime bell
sound. Easy to view real magnetic compass. Easy to install design. Item # BEL-360 |