Z Electric Scooter Parts >
Z Rider Electric Scooter Parts

Z Rider Electric Scooter Parts

Belt for Z Rider Electric Scooter
quality replacement drive belt for the Z Rider electric scooter. Item # BLT-535-5M-15 |

Battery Set for
Z Rider Electric Scooter
Set of two(2) 12 Volt 8Ah batteries for the Z Rider electric scooter.
Includes 12 month battery replacement warranty.
Warranty Details
Item # BAT-12V8AHX2 |

Throttle for
Z Rider Electric Scooter
Twist throttle for the Z Rider electric scooter.
Item # THR-35 |

Safety Warning Bell With Compass for Z Rider Electric Scooter
Compass bell for the Z Rider electric scooter. Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing chime bell
sound. Easy to view real magnetic compass. Easy to install design.
Item # BEL-360 |