Razor Parts > Razor EcoSmart
Metro HD Electric Scooter Parts
Razor® EcoSmart Metro HD Electric Scooter Parts
Important Information The
Razor EcoSmart Metro HD, Razor EcoSmart Metro, Razor EcoSmart Metro R, and Razor EcoSmart SUP
scooters are different models and many parts are not interchangeable between them.

Battery Pack Wiring Harness for Razor® EcoSmart Metro HD Electric Scooter
Battery pack wiring harness for the Razor® EcoSmart Metro HD electric scooter.
Available with push-on connectors for batteries with 3/16" wide (F1) terminals and 1/4" wide (F2) terminals. Item # ESM-HARNESS2 |
For F1 Terminals $19.95
For F2 Terminals$19.95

Safety Warning Bell for Razor® EcoSmart Metro HD Electric Scooter
Safety warning bell for all versions of the Razor® EcoSmart Metro HD electric scooter. This bells pleasant sounding and
attention grabbing chime bell sound lets others know that you are on the road
or trail in a friendly yet effective way.
Item # BEL-300 |

Safety Warning Bell with Compass for Razor®
EcoSmart Metro HD Electric Scooter
Compass bell for the Razor® EcoSmart Metro HD electric scooter. Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing chime bell
sound. Easy to view real magnetic compass. Easy to install design. Item # BEL-360 |