Razor Parts > Razor EcoSmart
SUP Electric Scooter Parts
Razor® EcoSmart SUP Electric Scooter Parts
Important Information
The Razor EcoSmart SUP, Razor EcoSmart Metro, Razor EcoSmart Metro R and Razor EcoSmart Metro HD
scooters are different models and many parts are not interchangeable between them.

Battery Pack Wiring Harness for Razor® EcoSmart SUP Electric Scooter
Battery pack wiring harness for the Razor® EcoSmart SUP electric scooter. Available with push-on connectors for batteries with 3/16" wide (F1) terminals and 1/4" wide (F2) terminals.
For F1 Terminals $19.95
For F2 Terminals$19.95

Safety Warning Bell for Razor® EcoSmart SUP Electric Scooter
Safety warning bell for all versions of the Razor® EcoSmart SUP electric scooter. This bells pleasant sounding and
attention grabbing chime bell sound lets others know that you are on the road
or trail in a friendly yet effective way.
Item # BEL-300 |

Safety Warning Bell with Compass for Razor®
EcoSmart SUP Electric Scooter
Compass bell for the Razor® EcoSmart SUP electric scooter. Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing chime bell
sound. Easy to view real magnetic compass. Easy to install design. Item # BEL-360 |