Razor Parts > Razor SX500 McGrath Parts
Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike Parts

Motor Sprocket for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Original size 11 tooth motor sprocket for all version of the Razor® SX500
McGrath electric dirt bike. Item # SPR-2511C

Motor Sprocket for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Larger size 13 tooth motor sprocket for all version of the Razor® SX500
McGrath electric dirt bike. This sprocket has two more teeth than the
original motor sprocket and will increase the top speed of the bike by a few
miles per hour, however the
trade off is that the bikes acceleration and hill climbing ability will be slightly
lower than using the original 11 tooth sprocket. Recommended only for bikes that are
driven primarily on flat ground. Item # SPR-2513E1

Chain with Master Link for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Chain with master link for the Razor® SX500 McGrath electric dirt bike. Item # RMX-CHAIN
Chains with master links make chain removal and installation easier because the rear wheel does not need to be removed.

Fuse for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Fuse for the Razor® SX500 McGrath electric dirt bike. Fuse rating 30 Amp.
Item # FUS-ATO30 |

Brake Pad Set for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Brake pad set for the Razor® SX500 McGrath electric dirt bike. Item # BRK-500P-V1
These brake pads are both the exact same size. Some Razor® SX500 dirt bikes have brake pads that are
slightly different sizes. Different size brake pads are sold below.

Brake Pad Set for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Brake pad set for the Razor® SX500 McGrath electric dirt bike. Item # BRK-500P-V2
These brake pads are slightly different sizes. Some Razor® SX500 dirt bikes have brake pads that are
both the
exact same size. Same size brake pads are sold above.

Shock Absorber Mounting Nut and Bolt for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Shock absorber mounting nut and bolt for the Razor® SX500 McGrath electric
dirt bike.
Item # SHK-105 |

Shock Absorber Mounting Sleeve and Spacers for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Shock absorber mounting sleeve with two nylon spacers for the Razor® SX500 McGrath electric dirt bike.
Item # SHK-130 |

Safety Warning Bell for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Safety warning bell for the Razor® SX500 McGrath electric dirt bike.
Pleasant sounding and
attention grabbing chime bell sound lets others know that you are on the road in a friendly yet effective way.
Item # BEL-300 |

Safety Warning Bell for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Pleasant sounding and attention grabbing bell sound. Built-in real magnetic compass. Easy to install.
Item # BEL-360 |

Green Slide® Chain Lube for Razor® SX500 McGrath Electric Dirt Bike
Green Slide® safe and biodegradable chain lube. The perfect lube for electric scooters and bikes. Made from highly modified tree and plant oils with all natural cling and anti-oxidation additives.
4 fluid ounce / 120 ml bottle. More Information
Item # GSL-4OZ |