 24 Volt Motors
We only sell premium quality electric scooter,
bike, and go kart motors made by top quality manufacturers such as Unite®,
MAC®, and Currie®.
24V 100W
2500 RPM

24 Volt 100 Watt Electric Scooter Motor
24V 100W 2500 RPM electric scooter motor. Powerful two brush permanent
magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction.
Includes 9 tooth sprocket for #25 chain. 15" long power
leads with terminal connectors. Shaft rotation reversible
by reversing power leads. Dimensions: 2-5/8" wide x 3-7/8"
long excluding shaft, 4-7/8" long including shaft. Made by Unite®.
Item # MOT-24100
Compatibility: Razor E100 and E125 chain drive scooters plus other similar makes and models. Cross references motor number: MY6812
24V 100W 2500 RPM

24 Volt 100 Watt Electric Scooter Motor
24V 100W 2500 RPM electric scooter motor. Powerful two brush permanent magnet design with
100% ball bearing construction. Includes 16 tooth belt
cog for 3m pitch drive belts. 15" long power leads with
terminal connectors. Shaft rotation reversible by reversing
power leads. Dimensions: 2-5/8" wide x 3-1/2" long excluding
shaft, 4-1/2" long including shaft. Made by Unite®. Item # MOT-24100B
Compatibility: Razor E100 belt drive scooters plus other similar makes and models. Cross references motor number: MY6812
24V 120W
2500 RPM

24 Volt 120 Watt Electric Scooter Motor
24V 120W 2500 RPM electric scooter motor. Powerful two brush permanent
magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction.
Includes 9 tooth sprocket for #25 chain. 15" long power
leads with terminal connectors. Shaft rotation reversible
by reversing power leads. Dimensions: 2-5/8" wide x 3-7/8"
long excluding shaft, 4-7/8" long including shaft. Made by Unite®.
Item # MOT-24120
Compatibility: Many 24 Volt 120 Watt electric scooter makes and
models. Cross references motor number: MY6812
24V 120W 2500 RPM

24 Volt 120 Watt Electric Scooter Motor
24V 120W 2500 RPM electric scooter motor. Powerful two brush permanent magnet design with
100% ball bearing construction. Includes 16 tooth belt
cog for 3m pitch drive belts. 15" long power leads with
terminal connectors. Shaft rotation reversible by reversing
power leads. Dimensions: 2-5/8" wide x 3-1/2" long excluding
shaft, 4-1/2" long including shaft. Made by Unite®. Item # MOT-24120B
Compatibility: Many 24 Volt 120 Watt electric scooter makes and
models. Cross references motor number: MY6812
24V 200W 2750 RPM

24 Volt 200 Watt Electric Scooter Motor
24V 200W 2750 RPM electric
scooter motor. Powerful four brush permanent
magnet design with 100% ball bearing
construction. Includes 13 tooth drive belt cog for
5mm pitch drive belts. 17" long power leads. The shaft rotation is reversible
by reversing power leads. Dimensions: 4" wide x
3-1/4" long excluding shaft, 4-1/4" long including
shaft. Mounting bracket measures 4-3/8" x 2-1/4"
with 4 threaded mounting holes. Weight 3.85 lbs. Made by Unite®.
Item # MOT-24200
Compatibility: Razor E200 belt drive scooter plus many other similar makes and models. Cross references motor number: MY1016

24V 200W 2750 RPM

24 Volt 200 Watt Electric Scooter Motor
24V 200W 2750 RPM electric scooter
motor. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. Includes
11 tooth sprocket for #25 chain. 17" long power leads
with 1/4" push-in connectors. Shaft rotation reversible
by reversing power leads. Dimensions: 4" wide x 3" long
excluding shaft, 4-1/4" long including shaft. Mounting
bracket measures 4-3/8" x 2-1/4" with 4 threaded mounting
holes. Weight 3.8 lbs. Made by Unite®.
Item # MOT-E200
Compatibility: Razor E200 chain drive scooter plus other similar makes and models. Cross references motor number: MY1016

24V 250W 2650 RPM

24 Volt 250
Watt Electric Scooter Motor
24V 250W 2650 RPM electric
scooter motor. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. Includes
13 tooth drive belt cog for 5mm pitch drive belts. 12" long
power leads with 1/4" push-in connectors. Shaft rotation
reversible by reversing power leads. Dimensions: 4" wide
x 3-1/4" long excluding shaft, 4-1/4" long including shaft.
Mounting bracket measures 4-1/2" x 2-1/8 with 4 threaded
mounting holes. Weight 4.3 lbs. Made by Unite®.
Item # MOT-24250B
Compatibility: Razor E300 belt drive scooter plus many other similar makes and models. Cross references motor numbers: MY1016, MY1018, and BD250

24V 250W 2650 RPM

24 Volt 250 Watt 2650 RPM Electric Scooter Motor
24V 250W 2650 RPM electric
scooter motor. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction.
Includes 11 tooth sprocket for #25 chain. 12" long
power leads with 1/4" push-in connectors. Shaft
rotation reversible by reversing power leads. Dimensions:
4" wide x 3-1/4" long excluding shaft, 4-1/4" long
including shaft. Mounting bracket measures 4-1/2"
x 2-1/8 with 4 threaded mounting holes. Weight 4.3
lbs. Made by Unite®. Item # MOT-24250X2650
Compatibility: Razor E300 chain drive scooter plus many other scooter makes and models. Cross references motor number: MY1016, MY1018 and BD250

24V 250W 2650 RPM

24 Volt 250 Watt Electric Scooter
Motor 24V 250W 2650 RPM electric scooter motor. Powerful four
brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing
construction. Includes 11 tooth sprocket for #25 chain. 15" long power leads
with 1/4" push-in connectors. Shaft rotation reversible by reversing power
leads. Dimensions: 4" wide x 3-1/4" long excluding shaft, 4-1/4" long including
shaft. Mounting bracket measures 4-1/4" x 2-1/8 with 4 threaded mounting holes.
Weight 4.3 lbs. Made by Unite®. Item # MOT-MX350B
Compatibility: Razor MX350 version 9+ and Razor MX400 Version 1+. Cross references motor number: MY1016

24V 300W 2600 RPM

24 Volt 300 Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with 11 Tooth Sprocket
24V 300W 2600 RPM electric scooter motor with mounting base. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. 11 tooth sprocket for #25 chain.
Different size sprockets
are available for this motor. Shaft rotation spins clockwise if you are facing the shaft.
Shaft rotation reversible by reversing power leads.
Bottom mounting plate has 4 holes that measure 3-3/4" x 1-5/8 center to center distance between holes.
Dimensions: 4-1/4"(H) x 4"(W) x 4-1/8"(L) including shaft.
Weight 4.75 lbs. OEM Currie® motor.
Item # MOT-SD130
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-6A2 (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)

24V 350W 2800 RPM

24 Volt
350 Watt Electric Scooter Motor 24V 350W 2800 RPM electric scooter
motor. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing
construction. 18" long power leads. 11 tooth sprocket for #25 chain. Shaft
rotation reversible by reversing power leads. Mounting bracket measures 4-1/4" x
2-1/8" with 4 threaded mounting holes. Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x 5-1/2"(L).
Weight 5.2 lbs. Made by Unite®. Item # MOT-24350X2750
Compatibility: Chinese-made electric scooters, electric dirt bikes, and electric pocket bikes. Cross references motor number: MY1016
24V 350W 2600 RPM

24 Volt 350 Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric
Scooter Motor with 15 Tooth Freewheel Sprocket
24VDC 350W 2600 RPM electric scooter motor with front mount. Powerful four brush permanent
magnet electric motor design with 100% ball bearing construction. 15 tooth
freewheel sprocket for #25 chain. Shaft rotation spins counter clockwise if you
are facing the shaft. 12"
long power leads with connector at end. 3 bolt mounting bracket measures 3-7/8"
center to center distance between holes. Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x 5-1/4"(L)
including shaft. Weight 6.1 lbs. OEM Currie® motor. Item # MOT-SD24350FW
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-6B (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)
24V 400W 2600 RPM

24 Volt
400 Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with
11 Tooth Sprocket 24V 400W 2600 RPM electric scooter motor with
mounting base. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. 11 tooth
sprocket for #25 chain.
Different size sprockets
are available for this motor. Shaft rotation spins clockwise if you are facing the shaft.
Shaft rotation reversible by reversing power leads.
Bottom mounting plate has 4 holes that measure 3-3/4" x 1-5/8 center to center distance between holes.
Dimensions: 4-1/4"(H) x 4"(W) x 4-1/4"(L) including shaft.
Weight 5.3 lbs. OEM Currie® motor.
Item # MOT-SD140
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters.
Model: XYD-6D1 (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)

24V 450W 2300 RPM

24 Volt 450 Watt 2300 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with 11 Tooth Sprocket
24V 450W 2300 RPM electric scooter motor with front mount. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. 11 tooth
sprocket for #25 chain.
Different size sprockets
are available for this motor. Shaft rotation spins counter clockwise if
you are facing the shaft. Shaft rotation reversible by reversing power
leads. 25" long 12AWG power
leads with connector at end. 3 bolt mounting face
measures 3-7/8" center to center distance between holes.
Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x 5-1/4"(L) including shaft.
Weight 5.65 lbs. OEM Currie® motor. Item # MOT-SD150
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-6B (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)

24V 450W 2400 RPM

24 Volt
450 Watt 2400 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with
11 Tooth Sprocket 24V 450W 2400 RPM electric scooter motor with
mounting base. Rated current 28A. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. 11 tooth
sprocket for #25 chain.
Different size sprockets
are available for this motor. Shaft rotation spins clockwise if you are facing the shaft.
Shaft rotation reversible by reversing power leads. 14" long 12AWG power leads with connector at end.
Bottom mounting plate has 4 holes that measure 3-3/4" x 1-5/8 center to center distance between holes.
Dimensions: 4-1/4"(H) x 4"(W) x 4-1/4"(L) including shaft.
Weight 6 lbs. OEM Currie® motor. Item # MOT-SD152
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-6D (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)

24V 450W 470 RPM

Motor for eZip and IZIP Electric Bicycles
and Currie Electro-Drive Kits
24V 450W electric bicycle motor with built-in gear reduction transmission.
Output shaft speed 470 RPM. Includes 9 tooth sprocket for 1/2" x 1/8" bicycle chain.
Different size and freewheel sprockets are available for this motor. Output shaft is 11mm
OD with a 4mm wide x 2mm deep keyway. Powerful four brush permanent magnet
design. 100% ball bearing construction. 24" long power leads.
Shaft rotation reversible by reversing power leads. Motor
dimensions: 4-1/4" outside diameter x 3-1/2" long excluding transmission and output shaft, 4-1/2" long including
transmission and output shaft. OEM Currie® motor.
Item # MOT-CTE24450GX470
Although this motor looks identical to the Unite® gear motor sold above it is made by a different factory and is an OEM Currie® motor.
The Unite gear motor sold above has smaller bolt hole threads than this motor
does so eZip®, IZIP®, and Currie® motor mounting plate bolts will not fit the Unite® gear motor.
24V 450W 470 RPM

Motor with Mounting Plate for eZip and IZIP Electric Bicycles and Currie Electro-Drive Kits
24V 450W electric bicycle motor with built-in gear reduction transmission.
Output shaft speed 470 RPM. Includes 9 tooth sprocket for 1/2" x 1/8" bicycle chain.
Different size sprockets are available for this motor. Output shaft is 11mm
OD with a 4mm wide x 2mm deep keyway. Powerful four brush permanent magnet
design. 100% ball bearing construction. 24" long power leads.
Shaft rotation reversible by reversing power leads. Motor
dimensions: 4-1/4" outside diameter x 3-1/2" long excluding transmission and output shaft, 4-1/2" long including
transmission and output shaft. OEM Currie® motor.
Item # MOT-CTE24450P
24V 500W 2600 RPM

24 Volt 500 Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with 11 Tooth Sprocket
24V 500W 2600 RPM electric scooter motor with front mount. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction.
11 tooth sprocket for #25 chain.
Different size sprockets
are available for this motor. 10mm OD shaft. Shaft rotation spins counter
clockwise if you are facing the shaft. Shaft rotation is reversible by reversing
power leads. 25" long power
leads with connector at end. 3 bolt mounting bracket
measures 3-7/8" center to center distance between
holes. Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x 4-5/16"(L) including
shaft. Weight 5.6 lbs. OEM Currie® motor. Item # MOT-SD156
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-6B (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)
24V 500W 2600 RPM

24 Volt 500 Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with 15 Tooth Freewheel Sprocket
24V 500W 2600 RPM electric scooter motor with front mount. Rated current
28A. Powerful four brush permanent magnet electric motor design with 100% ball
bearing construction. 15 tooth freewheel sprocket for #25 chain. Shaft rotation
spins counter clockwise if you are facing the shaft. 12" long power leads with
connector at end. 3 bolt mounting bracket measures 3-7/8" center to center
distance between holes. Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x 5-1/4"(L) including shaft.
Weight 5.6 lbs. OEM Currie® motor.
Item # MOT-SD156FW
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-6B (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)
24V 500W 2500 RPM

24 Volt 500 Watt 2500 RPM Electric Scooter Motor
24V 500W 2500 RPM electric scooter motor. Powerful four brush permanent magnet
design with 100% ball bearing construction. Includes 11 tooth sprocket for #25
chain. 8.5mm x 10mm sprocket mounting area.
Different size sprockets are available for this motor. 18" long power leads. Shaft rotation
reversible by reversing power leads. Dimensions: 4-1/4"
wide x 5-1/2" long excluding shaft, 6-1/2" long including
shaft. Shaft is 1" long and sprocket is spaced 5/8" away from front of motor.
Front and rear ends of motor have threaded mounting
holes. Weight 9 lbs. Made by Unite®.
Item # MOT-24500X2500
Cross references motor case number: MY1020
24V 500W 2250 RPM

24 Volt 500 Watt 2250 RPM Electric Scooter Motor
24V 500W 2250 RPM electric scooter motor. Powerful four brush permanent
magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. Includes 11 tooth sprocket
for #25 chain. 8.5mm x 10mm sprocket mounting area.
Different size sprockets are available for this motor. 18" long power leads. Shaft rotation
reversible by reversing power leads. Shaft is 1" long and sprocket is spaced
5/8" away from front of motor. Dimensions:
4-1/4" outside diameter x 5-1/4" long excluding shaft,
6-1/4" long including shaft. Mounting bracket measures 4-3/4" x 2-7/8" and
has 4 holes that are spaced 4" x 2-1/4" apart. Weight 9.2 lbs. Made by
Unite®. Item # MOT-24500X2250B
Cross references motor case number: MY1020
24V 500W 2500 RPM

24 Volt 500 Watt 2500 RPM Electric Scooter Motor
24V 500W 2500 RPM electric scooter motor. Powerful four brush permanent
magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. Includes 11 tooth sprocket
for #25 chain. 8.5mm x 10mm sprocket mounting area.
Different size sprockets are available for this motor. 18" long power leads. Shaft rotation
reversible by reversing power leads. Shaft is 1" long and sprocket is spaced
5/8" away from front of motor. Dimensions:
4-1/4" outside diameter x 5-1/4" long excluding shaft,
6-1/4" long including shaft. Mounting bracket measures 4-3/4" x 2-7/8" and
has 4 holes that are spaced 4" x 2-1/4" apart. Weight 9.2 lbs. Made by
Unite®. Item # MOT-24500X2500B
Cross references motor case number: MY1020
24V 600W 2600 RPM

24 Volt 600
Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with 11 Tooth
24V 600W 2600RPM electric scooter motor with front mount. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. 11 tooth sprocket
for #25 chain.
Different size sprockets
are available for this motor. 25" long power leads with connector at end. 3 bolt
mounting bracket measures 3-7/8" center to center distance between holes.
Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x 5-1/4"(L) including shaft. Weight 6 lbs. OEM Currie® motor.
Item # MOT-SD166
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-13 (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)
24V 600W 2600 RPM

24 Volt 600 Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric
Scooter Motor with 15 Tooth Freewheel Sprocket
24V 600W 2600 RPM electric scooter motor with front mount. Powerful four brush permanent
magnet electric motor design with 100% ball bearing construction. 15 tooth
freewheel sprocket for #25 chain. Shaft rotation spins counter clockwise if you
are facing the shaft. 12" long power leads with connector at end. 3 bolt
mounting bracket measures 3-7/8" center to center distance between holes.
Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x 5-1/4"(L) including shaft. Weight 6 lbs. OEM Currie® motor. Item # MOT-SD24600FW
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-6B (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)
24V 600W 3200 RPM

24 Volt 600 Watt MAC® Brushless Electric Bicycle Motor
24V 600W 3200 RPM high-torque brushless 24 Volt DC electric bicycle motor. Built-in variable
speed controller works with any 5k Ohm throttle or
potentiometer to vary the speed of motor from full stop to
full forward. Clockwise shaft rotation when facing the shaft end of the motor.
8mm OD D-shaped output shaft (8.6mm across flat spot). Shaft protrudes 1/2" from motor body. 3-bolt 114mm
BCD mounting pattern. These are the OEM motors for the ElecTrec® electric
bicycle which has a top speed of 18mph and a 20 mile range. Made by MAC®.
Item # MOT-B24600
Compatible with the following bicycles:
ElecTrec®, Currie®, Lashout®, and Synergy® electric bicycles plus Currie® USPD Pro-Drive electric bicycle kits.
Compatible with the following parts:
Throttles ( THR-AWI5K and THR-MAG5KC)
Planetary Speed Reducer ( SPR-2519F)
Power Connector ( CNX-2PX2 and CNX-2PX4)
24V 650W 530 RPM

24 Volt 650 Watt Planetary Gear Motor with Cooling Fan
24V 650W electric bicycle, tricycle, and go kart motor with built-in
planetary gear reduction transmission and cooling fan. Output shaft speed 530 RPM. Shaft diameter where sprocket seats into is
12mm x 17mm with a dual D-bore. Includes 10
tooth sprocket for #41 and #420 chain (both of these chain sizes work with this motor's sprocket).
Different size sprockets are available for this motor.
Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. 12 gauge
power leads. Shaft rotation reversible by reversing power leads. Mounting
bracket measures 5.59" (142mm) x 4.53" (115mm) with 4 mounting holes. Mounting holes are spaced
4.80" (122mm) center to center across by 3.15" (80mm) center to center across. Weight 17 lbs. Made by Unite®.
Item # MOT-24650PL
Compatibility: Great choice for beach carts, beach wagons, ATVs, quads, tricycles, and quadracycles.
24V 750W 2600 RPM

24 Volt 750
Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with 11 Tooth
24V DC 750W 2600 RPM electric scooter motor with front mount. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. 11 tooth sprocket
for #25 chain.
Different size sprockets
are available for this motor. Shaft rotation spins counter clockwise if you are
facing the shaft. Shaft rotation is reversible by reversing power leads. 25"
long power leads with two pin white connector. 3 bolt mounting bracket measures
3-7/8" center to center distance between holes. Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x
5-1/4"(L) including shaft. Weight 5.6 lbs. OEM Currie® motor.
Item # MOT-SD175
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-6D (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)
24V 750W 2600 RPM

24 Volt 750 Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with 15 Tooth Freewheel Sprocket
24V 750W 2600 RPM electric scooter motor with front mount. Powerful four brush permanent
magnet electric motor design with 100% ball bearing construction. 15 tooth
freewheel sprocket for #25 chain. Shaft rotation spins counter clockwise if you
are facing the shaft. 12" long power leads with connector at end. 3 bolt
mounting bracket measures 3-7/8" center to center distance between holes.
Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x 5-1/4"(L) including shaft. Weight 6.6 lbs.
OEM Currie® motor. Item # MOT-SD175FW
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT electric scooters. Model: XYD-13 (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)
24V 900W 2600 RPM

24 Volt 900
Watt 2600 RPM Currie Electric Scooter Motor with 11 Tooth
24V DC 900W 2600 RPM electric scooter motor with front mount. Powerful four brush permanent magnet design with 100% ball bearing construction. 11 tooth sprocket
for #25 chain. Shaft rotation spins counter clockwise if you are
facing the shaft. Shaft rotation is reversible by reversing power leads. 25"
long power leads with two pin white connector. 3 bolt mounting bracket measures
3-7/8" center to center distance between holes. Dimensions: 4"(H) x 4"(W) x
5-1/4"(L) including shaft. Weight 5.6 lbs. OEM Currie® motor.
Item # MOT-SD190
Compatibility: Some Currie, eZip, IZIP, Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT
electric scooters. Model: XYD-13 (Use model plus specifications to determine compatibility.)